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Tear Trough Filler Treatment London

tear trough filler

At a glance:

Tear Trough Filler Treatment


Treatment Type:

Non-invasive, Non-surgical, Injectable, Hyaluronic Acid gel 

Treatment Areas:

Tear Troughs, Dark Circles, Under Eye Hollows, Upper Cheek-Lid junction. Glabella Lines & Crows Feet

Our clinic operates as a private surgery and is not affiliated with the NHS (National Health Service)

What is TearFill (Restylane)?

TearFill is a technique of using Restylane to treat the under-eye area where there are visible tear troughs or hollows. It uses single port entry and canula to safely deliver the gel into the deeper layers of the tear troughs.  

Hyaluronic Acid Gel (HA gel) is a gel present ubiquitously throughout our bodies and adds volume. It is used medically for aesthetic rejuvenation specially in the periorbital area, or around the eyes. There are many brands of HA gel available including Restylane and Juvederm, and many different products within each brand, each designed for a particular part of the face.

We use Restylane and Lidocaine in the under eye area. Restylane is a brand of hyaluronic acid-based gel facial filler used for various cosmetic needs. Hyaluronic acid is a type of sugar found naturally in your skin. Its primary function is to absorb water, supply nutrients and act as a cushioning agent. Once injected, it acts like a sponge and expands as well as inducing the production of collagen, hence adds soft volume. 

At Clinica London, our oculoplastic doctors treat tear trough hollows and dark circles under the eyes with Restylane hyaluronic acid (HA) gel. This is delivered into the tear trough area and upper cheek eyelid junction via a tiny entry point on each side of the face remote from the eye area. 


When should you see a doctor for Eye Tear Trough Fillers? 


If you are experiencing deep tear trough hollows in the under-eye area, wrinkles, or lost volume in the eye and its surrounding areas, you may be a suitable candidate for eye filler treatment. Eye fillers improve the appearance of tired-looking eyes, dark circles, and signs of ageing around the eyes. 

It is important to ensure that you choose a reputable clinic for your eye filler treatment. ur oculoplastic doctors at Clinica London have extensive expertise in assessing and treating conditions such as tear troughs, dark circles, glabella lines, and crow’s feet.  

Miss Jane Olver our Oculoplastic Surgeon has been using HA gels in her patients for rejuvenation, since 2004. 

Tear Troughs 

Tear troughs are natural depressions that extend from the corner of the eyes by the nose, downwards under the eyes and above the cheeks. As you age, the tear trough area can become hollow, causing dark circles and a tired appearance. 

Dark Circles 

Dark circles can be caused by various factors, including genetic colouring of the skin, thin skin with semi-visible eye muscles below it, cheek descent with hollowing in the tear trough area, and nasojugal lines (trans-cheek depressions). 

How do you treat dark circles under your eyes?



Glabella Lines 

Glabella lines are the short vertical lines found between the eyebrows and extending up the central forehead. They can make a person appear older than they are and may make them look angry or frustrated, even when they’re not. Although primarily treated with anti-wrinkle injections, they can also be softened by HA gel. 

Crows Feet 

Crow’s feet are fine lines and wrinkles that radiate from the outer corners of the eyes. They are often associated with ageing and sun damage. These can be smoothed with antiwrinkle injections or softened with HA gel. 

For Tear Trough Filler in London, trust the expertise of our specialists at Clinica London. We provide tailored treatment plans, prioritise natural-looking results and offer follow-up appointments to ensure patient satisfaction. 

tearfill Treatment benefits

One of the main benefits of this treatment is immediate results. Unlike other types of cosmetic surgery, the results of tear trough filler treatment with HA gel are immediately noticeable after the procedure. There is no need to wait for days or weeks to see the change. The results give the patient a more youthful appearance and a healthy complexion. 

The treatment is tailored to provide natural-looking results, ensuring that the patient’s appearance is enhanced without looking overly artificial. 

With an average duration of 9-12 months, TearFill treatment offers longer-lasting results compared to fillers in other areas of the face. This makes it a reliable and effective option for individuals seeking sustained improvement in their tear troughs, dark circles, glabella lines, and crow’s feet. 

Portrait of closeup on eyes

Tear Trough Fillers Treatment  

Tear troughs develop because of the natural ageing process. As you age, your skin loses its natural elasticity and starts to sag. Additionally, your skull changes shape and your cheekbones become smaller. All of these factors contribute to the tear trough area becoming hollow and developing dark circles. 

Tear troughs can also develop due to genetics, so whether you are predisposed to developing them in your early twenties will be dependent on your genes. 

Before the procedure 

Before the tear trough filler treatment, our specialist will carry out the aesthetic examination to understand your requirements and desired results. They will develop a personalised treatment plan is developed based on your desired results. 

During the procedure 

During the procedure, the specialist will carefully inject the HA gel into the tear trough area to address hollowness and dark circles. A canula is used through one tiny entry hole into the skin on the upper outer cheek. The procedure is virtually painless. The initial entry hole is a tiny sharp prick then no pain. The HA gel contains lidocaine local anaesthesia which reduces discomfort.  

The tear trough filler treatment is relatively quick and usually takes between 15 to 45 minutes to complete. After the procedure, you can expect immediate results, although some swelling or bruising may occur temporarily. The specialist may schedule a follow-up appointment after two weeks to assess the need for any adjustments or touch-ups. 

What can you expect from Tear Trough Fillers? 

The tear trough filler treatment will rejuvenate and refresh your look. By filling in the hollows, tear trough filler reduces the appearance of tired-looking eyes and dark circles, giving the under-eye area a smoother and more youthful appearance. The treatment helps to restore facial volume, improve skin elasticity, and promote a healthier complexion. 

Does TearFill Treatment hurt? 

The TearFill treatment is generally not reported to be very painful. Although the sensation of the initial injection can cause mild discomfort, pain is minimal. Many patients find the treatment to be much less painful than they expected. 

To ensure that the injections do not cause significant discomfort or pain, our specialists use the single port entry and canula technique. The use of topical anaesthetic is not usually required in the under eye area. The injections themselves also contain an anaesthetic, making the TearFill treatment a remarkedly more comfortable procedure. 

When will I see the result of Tear Fillers?

Unlike many other aesthetic treatments, Tearfill provides immediate results, allowing you to resume your normal activities without taking time off work or staying home. A follow-up appointment may be required after two weeks to determine if any adjustments or reductions are necessary. 

Risk & Side Effects of Eye Fillers 

Tearfill treatment requires very little downtime. Additionally, the side effects associated with this treatment are minimal. When they do occur, they typically appear around the injection site. 

Symptoms associated with tear trough filler side effects may include: 

  • temporary redness
  • tenderness
  • swelling
  • bruising
  • irregularities in the surface, contour and firmness of the skin around injection site
  • an allergic reaction
  • damage to blood vessels that could affect the vision

In very rare cases, small bumps may appear under the skin at the injection area. If they are still present after one week, consult your doctor. Facial and under-eye fillers for facial hollowing, volume loss and tear troughs or dark circles are done in a clean treatment room using sterile, pre-packed products both for cleaning the skin and injecting, all of which reduce the risk of complications. 


Ms Jane Olver is a renowned Consultant Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon. She specialises in various eye and eyelid conditions, including tear trough fillers. With her extensive expertise in tear filler treatment, she is dedicated to providing tailored treatment plans to improve the appearance of tear troughs, dark circles, and other related concerns. 

At Clinica London, she is responsible for the Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery part, as well as patients with eye, eyelid and tear duct problems, and acute eye problems. 

Miss Jane Olver

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Oculoplastic (Eyelid) & Lacrimal Specialist
Medical Director
A dedicated Oculoplastic Eyelid surgeon, blepharoplasty and ptosis specialist

Ms Michelle Ting

Consultant Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Ophthalmologist specialising in oculoplastic (eyelid), lacrimal, orbital and facial surgery.

Our clinic operates as a private surgery and is not affiliated with the NHS (National Health Service)


How much does Tearfill treatment cost?

TreatmentPrice range
Tear Troughs Treatment 1ML£1250
Tear Troughs Treatment 2ML£2100
Consultation FeesNot Included

Initial consultation fees are not included.

Tearfill FAQS

Tear trough treatments are commonly sought after by patients in their 30s to 40s to address signs of ageing. However, patients as young as 20 who may have a genetic predisposition to deep tear troughs and therefore experience early signs of ageing can also benefit from the treatment. 

Ideal candidates for this procedure are individuals who are in good health, have a clear understanding of the process, and hold realistic expectations regarding the treatment’s results. 

While this treatment is non-invasive and straightforward, it is not recommended for pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, individuals with an active infection in or around the injection area, or those who are allergic to any of the products used in the treatment.

To address any concerns and determine if you are a suitable candidate, it is best practice to consult with your doctor or specialist surgeon beforehand. Some patients are not suitable for Tear Trough fillers because of the shape of the face and other soft tissue protrusions. They will be advised accordingly and offered other treatment options. 

Yes, tear trough treatment can be combined with BoNT. BoNT is commonly used to address dynamic wrinkles and lines, while tear trough fillers are used to improve the appearance of hollows and dark circles under the eyes. Combining both treatments can provide comprehensive rejuvenation to the eye area. 

Tear trough filler for men is becoming increasingly common. While traditionally a more popular treatment among women, many men are now also seeking tear trough filler treatments to address hollows and dark circles under the eyes. This treatment can help men achieve a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance, reducing the signs of fatigue and ageing. Often young Asian men and women in their 30´s who have darker under eye hollows request Tear Trough filler. This is a very suitable treatment for this group. 

Award Winning Clinic in London

Clinica London is a leading ophthalmology and dermatology medical clinic. It has a sense of passion for helping patients. The clinic’s consultants are highly skilled professionals who have received British, European, and international awards in their respective fields. Clinica is honest and offers transparent treatment advice in a relaxed and comfortable environment.


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