What is a transconjunctival blepharoplasty?
What does TearFill treat and what are the benefits of using it?
Can I have watery eyes surgery done under local anaesthetic?
What are the benefits of SculptEyes?
How do you treat dark circles under your eyes?
Does dacryocystitis hurt and does it require urgent treatment?
What is dermatochalasis and how is it treated?
What is the difference between a corneal ulcer and a corneal abrasion?
Can you treat eye bags or malar bags?
What is dacryocystitis and how do you treat it?
What is your training in oculoplastics?
What is Hyalofix and what are its benefits?
What is Oculoplastic Surgery?
What is rosacea and how can it be treated?
What happens during a mole check?
What are the treatment options for scars?
What are the treatment options for lumps and bumps?
What is psoriasis and how can it be treated?
What is seborrheic eczema and how can it be treated?
If I need to have skin and fat removed from the eyelid, can it be done together?
What are hives and how can they be treated?
How can I reduce my risk of skin cancer?
What is the treatment for upper eyelid hooding?