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How can I reduce my risk of skin cancer?

How can I reduce risk of skin cancer?

Skin cancer is certainly something that we all as individuals need to be vigilant about, as the rates of skin cancer are increasing here in the UK and also in Europe. It is really important is that one uses an adequate sunscreen, that contains both UVA and UVB protection.
And really, really important as well as in adults in the pediatric or with children as well, really, really important to use adequate sunscreen. Very important to get any worrisome moles or any lesions on the skin looked at and we do that here at Clinica by examining them under a dermatoscope, which gives us a very, very good detail and very close look at any particular lesions that one is worried about.

More about Jennifer Crawley

Jennifer Crawley is a Consultant Dermatologist at Clinica London with a special interest in dermatology. She is an expert in both adult and paediatric dermatology and has particular interests in research, teaching and leading audit projects.
She gained a MBChB qualification from University of Bristol in 2002, after gaining BSc. (Hons) Cellular & Molecular Pathology in 1999. During following years she undertook training and gained work experience in Bristol and London.
Further she has performed a range of surgical and non-surgical procedures, including surgical excision of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, incisional biopsies, shave excisions and curettage and cautery.


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