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Why do I use TISSEEL fibrin adhesive with eyelid surgery? – Part 2

Why do I use TISSEEL fibrin adhesive with eyelid surgery? – Part 2

At one week after surgery, the patient returns and I remove the few sutures that there are and take away the little dark deposits of TISSEEL fibrin adhesive stuck along the skin crease incision site.
For instance, today I saw a lady one week after her bilateral upper eyelid surgery with TISSEEL fibrin adhesive. After this blepharoplasty surgery I just had to remove four stitches on each side as the remainder of her skin incisions had been closed with TISSEEL fibrin adhesive.
I also removed two or three small dark areas where the TISSEEL had mixed with a little bit of blood, forming a clot on the surface, and once picked off, I saw the healed skin underneath. In fact, the skin where I used the TISSEEL fibrin adhesive looked a lot better than the skin where I had placed the sutures. This is because, where the stitches had been, there were now two little holes that had to heal up over the next 48 hours.
I recommend upper eyelid surgery with TISSEEL fibrin adhesive done by an oculoplastic surgeon with experience of its use, such as myself at Clinica London. My patients rate TISSEEL fibrin adhesive highly as their eyelids look less swollen and the incisions heal more quickly. Using Tisseel fibrin adhesive adds a small additional cost to private cosmetic eyelid surgery, but it is worthwhile.


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