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Treatments For Acne

What are the treatment options for acne?

Acne is a very very common skin condition that I see regularly in clinics. Acne mainly affects young adults, so we can treat acne very effective, depending on whether your acne is in the mild-moderate or severe category. For very mild to moderate acne, we can use various topical preparations and for the more moderate to severe end of the spectrum, one would need perhaps an oral antibiotic.

For very severe acne, that affects the face the chest, the back, there is an oral medicine, called isotretinoin, or Accutane, that has numerous side effects, but is a very effective treatment for very severe acne and that is something that we deliver here at Clinica London.


More about Jennifer Crawley

Jennifer Crawley is a Consultant Dermatologist at Clinica London with a special interest in dermatology. She is an expert in both adult and paediatric dermatology and has particular interests in research, teaching and leading audit projects. She gained an MBChB qualification from the University of Bristol in 2002, after gaining BSc. (Hons) Cellular & Molecular Pathology in 1999. During following years she undertook training and gained work experience in Bristol and London.

Further, she has performed a range of surgical and non-surgical procedures, including surgical excision of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, incisional biopsies, shave excisions and curettage and cautery.


How much does acne treatment cost?

Prices will depend upon the type of procedure carried out and the individual patient. For surgical excision acne treatment in London at Clinica, prices range from £500-£750. Consultation fees are not included.

Please book a consultation for a written quote with a full breakdown of treatment costs.

Read about acne treatment.

Dr Jennifer Crawley

Consultant Dermatologist
Children & Adults


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