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What is dacryocystitis and how do you treat it?

What is dacryocystitis and how do you treat it?

Dacryocystitis is an acute inflammation of the lacrimal sac at the cornea of the eye by the nose. It’s red, it’s elevated, it’s painful. And it’s due to a blockage of the tears, where the sac opens up in the small tear duct, between the sac and the back of the nose.
It is treated medically, to begin with. And then, almost invariably, it’s going to need surgery. However, there is a group of young people who have dacryocystitis, who have got a stone in their lacrimal sac. And they can pass that stone over a week or two, and then they are completely free and don’t get a problem again.
Part of the assessment is to see whether there is a complete blockage. If there is, and it’s going to need surgery, then we proceed with a DCR or dacryocystorhinostomy surgery.

More about Jane Olver

Ms Jane Olver is the founder of Clinica London and a Consultant Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon. Her special expertise is in oculoplastic and cosmetic eye surgery including eyelids and lacrimal surgery. She is specialised in endoscopic lacrimal surgery for watering eyes in adults and children. She has over 20 years’ experience in treating people with eye problems just like you, and has published extensively in scientific journals about Ophthalmology and Lacrimal Surgery and is the author of the books “Ophthalmology at a Glance” and “Colour Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery”. At Clinica London, she is responsible for the Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery part, as well as patients with eye, eyelid and tear duct problems, and acute eye problems.


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