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Ms Olver is the Founder and Medical Director of Clinica London.
She opened Clinica London at 140 Harley Street in 2010 and became the full time Medical Director in 2014. Ms Olver is passionate about Clinica and caring for eye and skin patients, leading her team of experienced nurses, ophthalmic technicians and wonderful consultant colleagues with the calm philosophy of Clinica London.
Ms Olver is a highly specialised Oculoplastic Surgeon with 30 years´ experience in blepharoplasty and ptosis surgery, in children and adults. She carries out both functional and cosmetic treatments and surgeries. She is an expert on the management of patients with watering and / or dry eyes, carrying our endonasal lacrimal tear duct surgery and treating dry eyes with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).
From 1994 to 2014 she had worked in at Imperial College NHS Trust as the Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon where she trained and inspired many young ophthalmic surgeons in eyelid and tear duct surgery. She co-founded the British Oculoplastic Surgery Society (BOPSS) in 2000. She pioneered endoscopic endonasal lacrimal surgery (endoDCR) for watering eyes in the UK.
She holds the Presidency of the International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye, 2024 – 2026 and held its Congress in London in May 2024.
Ms Olver is the author of the books “Colour Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery” and of “Ophthalmology at a Glance”, 1st and 2nd editions. She is now the editor of the international multi-author book “The Medical and Surgical Management of Watering and Dry Eyes”, which will be published in 2025. She lectures Internationally on watering eyes, dry eyes and eyelid surgery.
Ms Olver graduated from St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School in 1979 (MBBS, BSc). After her initial experience in Neurosurgery and Ophthalmology at the Brook General Hospital, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, St Thomas’s Hospital, Southampton Eye Hospital and University Hospital of Wales, she undertook training and research at Moorfields Eye Hospital. She gained the DO, FCOphth, FRCS, FRCOphth.
Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, 1984-1994
Our consultants have won various British, European and International awards in their respective fields
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