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Ms Leena Patel

MSc, BMedSci (orthoptics)

Consultant Orthoptist
Specialist in Paediatric and Adult Strabismus

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Leena studied Orthoptics at University of Sheffield, graduating in 2006.  She started her Orthoptic career at Bristol Eye Hospital, then moved on to Western Eye Hospital and now has been well established at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, since 2011, specialising as an Education Lead Orthoptist and a neuro-orthoptist.  Leena is the lead for all undergraduate and postgraduate training in the Orthoptics department at Moorfields.  Leena is also the lead for providing the Binocular Vision lectures for undergraduate Optometrists at City University, London.  She is the programme director for UK’s first MSc Orthoptics (pre-registration) course at UCL.

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Leena has presented at numerous conferences nationally and internationally.  She has a passion for teaching and provides regular teaching to all healthcare professionals.  Leena was a keynote speaker at the Australia and New Zealand Strabismus Society Meeting in February 2020.  In addition to raising teaching standards and improving student outcomes, she is also an honorary lecturer at University College London.  Leena has been a volunteer Orthoptist for Orbis Flying Eye Hospital since 2018.

She has over 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in assessing and treating adult and paediatric patients with orthoptic and visual field difficulties.

Leena works closely with ophthalmology, paediatric, neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-surgery colleagues to ensure the best outcome for all patients.

Children’s visual development

Amblyopia (lazy eye)

Children’s myopia

Strabismus (squint)

Diplopia (double vision)

Eye movement abnormalities

Adult cranial nerve palsies and neuro-orthoptics

Nystagmus (wobbly eyes)

Convergence and accommodation anomalies

Visual field analysis

DVLA Goldman Visual Fields

Initial or follow up: £135

International Initial or follow up: £135

Visual Fields: £135

Leena sees patients as fee-assured consultant with all the private medical insurance companies.

Vision assessment in children

Eye motility assessment in children and adults

Pre- and post-operative strabismus (squint) assessment

Binocular vision assessment

Amblyopia (lazy eye) therapy in children

Investigation and management of diplopia (double vision)

Visual field assessment

DVLA Visual Fields orthoptist


Miss Patel accepts orthoptics referrals from all consultant ophthalmologists, neurologists, neuro-surgeons, hospital paediatricians, community paediatricians, developmental paediatricians, community orthoptists, General Practitioners (GP) and optometrists. It is recommended that self-referrals first get a letter from their GP or a referring medical professional.


  • BMedSci (Hons) Orthoptics, University of Sheffield 2006
  • Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Ealing Hammersmith and West London College, 2012
  • Mentorship Preparation Module Level 6 (NSA3633), Middlesex University, 2015
  • MSc Leadership and Service Improvement in Healthcare, London South Bank University, 2020
  • PgCert Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of London, 2021


  • Consultant Orthoptist at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Co-director for MSc Orthoptics (pre-registration) programme at UCL
  • Organiser of Annual Squint Forum at Royal Society of Medicine
  • Keynote speaker at Orthoptics Australia conference, November 2020
  • Keynote speaker at ANZSS Conference Adelaide, Australia, February 2020
  • Volunteer at ORBIS since 2019


  • British and Irish Orthoptic Society
  • British Isles Paediatric and Strabismus Society (BIPOSA)
  • Health Care Professions Council (HCPC)


Our consultants have won various British, European and International awards in their respective fields

Ms Hannah Dunbar

Ms Hannah Dunbar

Consultant Optometrist
Low Vision Optometry Specialist

Mr Greg Richardson 1

Mr Greg Richardson

Consultant Orthoptist
Specialist in Paediatric, Adult and Neuro-Orthoptics

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