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Event debrief: Wet Eyes, Dry Eyes, Chalazion and the DEWS II Lecture

On Wednesday 18 October 2017, Clinica London held a lecture on dry eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction, chalazion and the new DEWS II report. Our ophthalmologist Jane Olver, who has a particular interest in dry eyes, the tear film and eyelid surgery, facilitated the event and hosted 24 Optometrists and General Practitioners.

Miss Olver hosted a very social and interactive event and went over different topics which included the up-to-date management of dry eyes, MGD and chalazion. She also prepared a quiz (with interesting questions and answers on the mentioned topics) which was completed in small teams. For Optometrists, it formed part of their training. It gained them interactive CET points and the GPs CPD points.
Miss Olver and the participants looked at the latest understanding of the tear film, the role of inflammation, and the role of iatrogenic causes of dry eyes (such as refractive surgery, preservatives in drops, and previous eyelid surgery).
Attendees enjoyed the informative evening, and the reactions to the event were kindly positive.

Participant Comments

“Very enjoyable and stimulating evening. Thank you.”

“Good first experience.”

“Very nice host.”

“Thank you for food and lecture .”

“Enjoyable friendly evening.”

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