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Eyelid Treatment: Blepharoplasty

Close-up picture of a woman's eyes

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Upper eyelid droopiness, excess skin, hooded, heavy and baggy upper eyelids, undereye bags, tired look


Droopy eyelids cause functional or cosmetic issues.

  • Functional upper eyelid surgery: patients dealing with eye-vision problems caused by droopy eyelids
  • Cosmetic/Aesthetic eyelid surgery: patients that feel uncomfortable with how their eyelids look


The procedure removes excess skin and soft tissue from the upper eyelid.

Our clinic operates as a private surgery and is not affiliated with the NHS (National Health Service)

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that remove excess skin from the upper and/or lower eye area and has both functional and cosmetic benefits. It also known as eyelid reduction, eyelid lift, droopy eyelid surgery, or eye bag removal.

The ageing process makes the skin lose its elasticity, this combined with the relaxation of muscles in the eye and increased fat deposits can result in eyelid droopiness and eye bags under the eyes, leading to an undesired, tired and worn-out appearance.
Blepharoplasty treatment is an effective procedure dramatically improving your appearance by rejuvenating the eye area, giving a firmer, fresher, and more youthful appearance. Aside from being cosmetic, the treatment can help to improve eyesight and headaches.

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What to think about
before undergoing Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is performed for multiple reasons.

  • Being unhappy with how the eyelids look (most common)
  • Vision problems that droopy eyelids may sometimes cause.

Why should I undergo Blepharoplasty?

  • The “tired look” is why most patients opt for blepharoplasty surgery. The weight of the upper eyelids, eye hooding, and the bags under the eyes giving a tired appearance, especially as the skin ages.
  • Asymmetrical eyelids can also be corrected.
  • Other patients experience saggy excessive skin that can hinder their vision.
  • Headaches. Excess eyelid skin can cause many patients to open or widen their eyes frequently to see better resulting in headaches.
  • Both men and women are affected, most commonly when between the ages of 50 and 85 years of age.

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How long do the results last?

A blepharoplasty treatment lasts about 10 to 15 years, providing long-lasting, natural results that vastly improve the look of the eye area.

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Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is performed to remove excess upper eyelid skin and fat that causes them to droop. This procedure will make the eyes look bigger, creating a fresher, more awake appearance.
The procedure includes making incisions on the eyelid crease, a few millimetres above the eyelashes. This placement heals beautifully and remains hidden in the future.
Afterwards, a blade is used, and a Colorado needle (ultra-sharp microdissection needle designed for precise cutting and coagulation) or mono-cautery, which both greatly minimise bleeding and help ensure the surgery is neat. The skin incision is then closed using delicate sutures (stitch) and/or Tisseel fibrin adhesive.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid surgery is performed to remove under eye bags.
Ageing, weight gain, loss of skin elasticity, and weakening of supporting tissue are the most common causes of lower eye excess fat. In some cases, medical conditions may cause it.
To remove the excess fatty tissue, an incision is made from the inside of the lower eyelid, which is called transconjunctival blepharoplasty. This leaves no visible outside scar. Excess fat is removed. If excess skin also requires removing, this is done as a cutaneous pinch excision.

How is blepharoplasty surgery performed?

Blepharoplasty procedures differ for each patient and can be performed on the upper and/or lower eyelids. Your Oculoplastic consultant at Clinica London will carry it out as a day case one off procedure under local anaesthetic. Some patients request a mild oral relaxant which we prescribe an hour before the surgery.

Our Eye Theatre: Clinica has a dedicated eye surgery theatre for eyelid surgery which is comfortable, safe and relaxing for the patient.

Clinica London’s oculoplastic surgeons have vast experience of performing all forms of blepharoplasty surgery with an exceptional rate of patient satisfaction. During the initial consultation your surgeon will assess the type of blepharoplasty surgery needed to find the best solution to meet your goals.

Clinica London facilities

How do I prepare for the procedure?

Before eyelid surgery, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Smokers will be asked not to smoke for at least six weeks prior to the surgery as there is a high risk of complications, and healing may take longer.
  • For two weeks before eyelid surgery aspirin and NSAIDs like Ibuprofen should be avoided.
  • If local anaesthetics are to be taken, you should fast for two hours before the surgery.
  • Loose comfortable clothing should be worn.
  • No makeup or facial/eye creams should be applied on the day of the procedure.

How long does the surgery take?

The procedure should only take one to two hours unless other treatments are carried out simultaneously. Be sure to arrange for a family member accompany you and pick you up or a taxi to take you home.

We may require you to stay in the recovery ward for a couple of hours after the surgery to ensure you can go home safely.

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Does blepharoplasty eyelid surgery hurt?

Given that patients will be under anaesthetics, it is rarely considered painful. There will be some slight irritation, bruising and swelling during the postoperative period.

Painkillers, eye ointments and ice packs will help minimise the post-operative discomfort. It may help to sleep propped up in bed with an extra pillow while keeping the head elevated for the first few days, so as to reduce puffiness.

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Our consultants

Clinica London’s award-winning oculoplastic expert routinely conducts this operation with flawless results.

Ms Jane Olver, a Consultant Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon, founded Clinica London overseeing Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery. With over 20 years of experience building expertise in oculoplastic and cosmetic eyelid surgery, including endoscopic lacrimal surgery for adults and children with watery eyes.
Published extensively in scientific journals on Ophthalmology and Lacrimal Surgery, she is also the author of the books “Ophthalmology at a Glance” and “Colour Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery.”

Miss Ting is an expert at blepharoplasty surgery, having performed over a thousand cases. She has published articles on eyelid anatomy and how to achieve the best results in surgical blepharoplasty. She also lectures other facial plastic surgeons nationally on blepharoplasty technique. Miss Ting tailors her technique to each patient’s individual features and she has particular expertise in East Asian blepharoplasty.

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Miss Jane Olver

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Oculoplastic (Eyelid) & Lacrimal Specialist
Medical Director
A dedicated Oculoplastic Eyelid surgeon, blepharoplasty and ptosis specialist

Ms Michelle Ting

Consultant Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Ophthalmologist specialising in oculoplastic (eyelid), lacrimal, orbital and facial surgery.

Our clinic operates as a private surgery and is not affiliated with the NHS (National Health Service)

Recovery & Aftercare

Many factors contribute to the time it takes to heal, it is important to allow the time and days required to fully recover.

How long does it take
to recover from the surgery?

Recovery time depends on whether you undergo an upper or lower eyelid blepharoplasty or both. Your Clinica London surgeon will provide a more accurate time frame during your consultation, but in general, the recovery period is up to two weeks. You may well have visible bruising for which you may prefer to wear dark glasses for a couple of weeks.

Will I need time off work?

The bruising and swelling need time to settle down. Therefore, most patients need between 7 to 14 days of downtime before they return to work.

If you have had sutures (stitches) these will be removed between one and two weeks after your eyelid surgery.

It is wise to consider your work responsibilities before returning to your job. For instance, if your job requires manual or strenuous activity, it may be better to have a more extended downtime to heal. If you work with a computer, waiting at least 48 hours before prolonged screentime is wise.

How can I expect my eyes to look,
over time, after having the blepharoplasty?

After blepharoplasty, your eyelids will immediately be swollen and bruised. The amount depends on the patient. Gently placing an ice pack over the area may help with the healing process.

To avoid excessive bleeding and bruising don’t us aspirin or anti-inflammatory medicines two weeks prior to surgery. Bruising and swelling typically subside over three to four weeks. Results will not be final for approximately three to four months.

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Are there any side effects of
a blepharoplasty procedure?

While any surgical procedures come with risks. At Clinica London you are in safe hands and we help minimise risks.

Any side effects, risks or complications will be addressed with you during your consultation and again during the consenting process. All patients are given detailed written information that summarises the risks and ensures the patient consents.

Following the procedure, your eyes may feel dry or watery for the first few weeks. Many patients also experience temporary blurred vision right after the surgery. This is due to the thick antibiotic ointment applied during the surgery, helping to stop the ocular surface from drying out. This ointment should be applied to the eyes and surrounding areas daily, four times a day.

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Will there be scarring?

With upper eyelid blepharoplasty, the incisions are made within the folds of the upper eyelid and will be minimal to almost invisible to others. For lower eyelid surgeries, the scar will be hidden under the eyelashes.

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How much does blepharoplasty cost?

The cost for blepharoplasty ranges from £5300-£7700 in London at Clinica.
This includes the surgeon and clinic fees.

Initial consultation fees are not included.

Blepharoplasty FAQS

Blepharoplasty results are natural and should last between 15 and 25 years. The procedure remains successful in enhancing the appearance of the eyelid without the need for patients to have additional surgery later on. It is important to remember that the natural ageing process continues. Therefore, the results vary after 15 to 25 years, depending on your genetic makeup and environmental factors such as smoking and sun exposure.

We strongly suggest that all patients stop smoking before undergoing blepharoplasty surgery because it provides a better healing and long-term aesthetic advantage.

Surgery on the upper eyelids benefit cosmetic and/or functional purposes. Functional benefits can include better vision and reduction in headaches and watery eyes. Whereas cosmetic benefits include a younger, fresher, more awake appearance.

Upper and lower eyelid surgery reverses the natural ageing process around the eyes, and makes the eyelid region more in balance with the rest of the face. By removing excess skin and fat around the eye area, blepharoplasty provides a natural look that opens the eye more, smooths the skin around the eyes, helping you to look fresher and more awake.

Using very little stitches the surgeon must close the wounds near the corners of your eyes on the upper eyelids, and on the skin of the lower eyelids.

At Clinica London, our Oculoplastic surgeons offers eyelid surgery that is nearly suture-less or even stitch-less with use of a fibrin adhesive. This substance improves healing by assisting your fibrin to form and close the wound naturally.

Award Winning Clinic in London

Clinica London is a leading ophthalmology and dermatology medical clinic. It has a sense of passion for helping patients. The clinic’s consultants are highly skilled professionals who have received British, European, and international awards in their respective fields. Clinica is honest and offers transparent treatment advice in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

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