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Dry Eye Treatment London

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Dry eye treatment london

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gritty, sand-like sensation, irritation, soreness or burning, blurriness, redness, difficulty wearing contact lenses, eye pain, red-rimming of the eyelids


extensive evaluation of the face, lid margin, ocular surface – particularly for the presence of granular deposits of meibum and skin cells on the eyelid margins


eyelid cleaning, medical prescription and lubricant eye drops and ointments, punctal plugs and surgical conservation of tears, IPL, BlephEx lid margin exfoliation, and MiboFlo treatment, lifestyle advice


it is important to treat the root cause of dry eyes, not just the symptoms

Our clinic operates as a private surgery and is not affiliated with the NHS (National Health Service)

dry eyes condition

Dry eye condition, also known as dry eye syndrome or dry eye disease (DED), is an eyelid and eye surface disorder in which the eyelids often do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly, resulting in less than normal moisture on the eye surface. This can lead to dry, irritant, itchy eyes that cause localised eyelid redness, discomfort and blurry vision. Contact lens wearers often experience dry eyes due to blinking less often.

This condition is very common, affecting between 25 and 30% of the population, and can be caused by several factors. Dry eyes are increasing, even in children and teenagers. It used to be a condition of old age but is now affecting more and more people due to the changes in our lifestyles.

Common causes include ageing, certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, thyroid eye disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as certain medications such as anti-histamines and anti-depressant drugs. Environmental factors like exposure to wind, smoke, air conditioning, computer and other screen use, and dry climates can increase tear evaporation, exacerbating dry eye symptoms. Dry eyes can worsen if the tear quality is already poor. There is a vicious circle of dry eyes, where the dry eyes exacerbate local ocular surface inflammation, leading to worsening discomfort and dryness.

Patients with rosacea often suffer from dry eye syndrome.

Poor sleep and fluctuating hormonal imbalance can exacerbate dry eyes. Anxiety and stress can also worsen dry eyes.





The primary symptoms of dry eye include:

  • A gritty, sand-like sensation
  • Soreness or burning
  • Eye pain
  • Irritation eyes
  • Blurriness vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Redness
  • Contact lens wear is difficult
  • Tired eyes with computer screen use
  • Difficulty in opening the eyelids in the mornings
  • Mucous stickiness
  • Paradoxical watering from reflex tears to compensate for the dryness
  • Very dry eyes can damage vision

If left untreated, dry eye symptoms can lead to more serious complications, such as damage to the surface of the eyes.


If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, seeking a professional diagnosis and treatment action plan from a doctor is important to provide long-term relief. At Clinica London, our consultants have a wealth of experience diagnosing and treating dry eye conditions. We recognise that dry eyes are increasing in the population and can even affect younger persons, affecting their self-confidence and ability to work.

We offer comprehensive eye examinations, including an extensive evaluation of the lid margin and the health of the meibomian glands. These glands are crucial as they produce the oily layer of your tears, and their dysfunction can cause dry eye symptoms.

During our examination, we look for signs of anterior blepharitis with crusts and collarettes for evidence of posterior blepharitis or meibomian gland dysfunction, such as an oily meibum deficiency. We also check for potential Demodex mite infection of the lash roots. Our specialists assess the degree of lid margin inflammation and the presence of granular deposits of meibum and skin cells. We examine the whole of the ocular surface conjunctiva and cornea, using special dye drops to show areas of dryness or “staining”. We examine the behaviour of the tear film and lid wiper action of the eyelids blinking.

We at Clinica London are committed to providing the highest standard of care for all our patients. Don’t let dry eyes interfere with your daily life.


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DRY EYE Treatment benefits

Treating dry eye disease (DED) can significantly alleviate symptoms such as dryness, burning, and discomfort. This can improve vision, allowing you to participate more comfortably in daily activities, whether reading, using a computer, or wearing contact lenses.

Dry eye treatment can also prevent further complications. If left untreated, very dry eyes can damage vision and, in severe cases, can cause damage to the surface of the eyes.

If your work or lifestyle involves exposure to certain environmental factors, such as wind, smoke, air conditioning, excessive computer screen use, or dry climates, treating dry eyes helps you manage your symptoms more effectively and prevent them from worsening.

Moreover, dry eye treatment can improve the quality of natural tears, enhancing eye comfort throughout the day. Treating dry eyes can also make the experience more comfortable for those who wear contact lenses, reducing the symptoms of dryness and itchiness that can often interfere with lens wear. Our aim is to make you unaware of your eyes, as they should not be a continual cause of discomfort and blurriness.

How long do the results last?

The duration of dry eye treatment results can vary, depending on factors such as the severity of the condition, the specific treatment used, and individual response to treatment. Dry eyes are treatable but cannot be considered curable and can recur if the measures advised are neglected.

Fundamental to dry eye treatment is regular twice-daily eyelid cleaning. Depending on the cause of the dry eyes, you may be asked to apply warm compresses.

Some treatments, such as artificial tears or eye drops, can provide immediate albeit temporary relief from dry eye symptoms. These treatments work by supplementing natural tears and providing an artificial moisture barrier. However, as these treatments do not address the underlying cause of dry eye, their effects may wear off after a few hours, and repeated daily application may be required.

Note: Dry eye is often a chronic condition, meaning it can persist over a long period of time and may require ongoing management. In some cases, more effective treatments may be needed to address the underlying cause of dry eye.


Dry eyes can be treated in various ways depending on its severity. At Clinica London, our Dry Eye Clinic, also known as the Tears Clinic, is led by Ms Jane Olver and our dedicated nurses who specialise in tear-related issues and carry out many of the in-clinic treatments, including Optilight IPL, BlephEx and MiboFlo.

We use tear supplements as part of the medical treatment for those who are not producing enough tears or those with poor-quality, rapidly evaporating tears. Where there is evidence of ocular surface inflammation, we prescribe medical eyedrops for a short period to reset the tear imbalance, and in some patients, this requires a more prolonged medical eyedrop treatment once a day until all the inflammation has settled. These medical drops can include various grades of antibiotic and steroid drops and ointment, as well as ocular surface inflammation immunosuppression eyedrops.

In cases of severe dry eyes, surgical treatment options may be considered. However, most patients find significant relief through medical treatments and lifestyle adjustments.


For those with mild dry eyes, over-the-counter artificial tear solutions, preferably preservative-free, are often recommended. These aqueous tears can help lubricate the eyes and are usually used based on the severity of the patient’s symptoms. They can be applied as frequently as every 15 to 30 minutes or as little as twice a day in mild cases. As they are preservative-free, they can be used with contact lenses.

Eye gels and ointments are also effective for treating dry eyes. However, they can blur vision for a few minutes after application, so they may be more suitable for nighttime use.

  • For persistent dry eyes, thicker gels may be needed, or the tears may need to be conserved using minor surgery such as inserting punctual plugs or punctual cautery.
  • Dry eyes associated with blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction are treated by addressing these underlying lid diseases with medical prescription drops and in-clinic outpatient treatments.
  • Surgical Conservation of Tears involves minor surgery to help conserve the tears, amniotic membrane, special scleral contact lenses, and eyelid surgery.
  • Optilight Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment is another treatment option that can help address the underlying causes of dry eyes.
  • BlephEx Treatment is useful for a deep hygiene clean of the lid margins

Optilight Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) – Light Treatment

For those with mild dry eyes, over-the-counter artificial tear solutions,

This is an FDA-approved, non-invasive broad-wavelength light treatment used in clinics for dry eyes. It involves a bright but safe light of a specific wavelength that helps reduce eye inflammation. It is not a laser but is often referred to as such. It treats the microscopic telangiectasia and helps stop them from leaking inflammatory cytokines and other chemicals that cause ocular surface inflammation.

It is safe as it treats the dermis and not the overlying epidermis. There is no redness, burning, blistering, or any visible sign of the treatment afterwards.

  • Each patient is assessed for suitability
  • The light is applied using a light guide and gel on the cheeks and periorbital area. The 6mm Optilight tip can also be used to treat the eyelids directly.
  • Four to five sessions are required over four months
  • There is no damage to the skin
  • The effects are cumulative
  • Meibomian gland expression for diagnostic and therapeutic can be done after
  • It is a painless outpatient treatment
  • No downtime

IPL for dry eyes is a very popular treatment, with proven good results in approximately 85% of patients. Patients with rosacea and dry eyes are highly suitable for this treatment, as we can also treat their red skin with other wavelengths of IPL.

BlephEx Treatment – Lid Margin Micro-Curettage 

Lid margin curettage using BlephEx is a non-invasive technique that effectively treats blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), common conditions associated with dry eyes. This method gently removes the biofilm and small raised lumps at the oily gland openings (meibomian gland orifices) along the lid margin.

Before the treatment, topical anaesthetic eye drops are instilled into the conjunctival fornix. The topical drops are used solely because a watery cleaning foam is employed, which would otherwise cause the patient to blink if they felt fluid in the eye. You may experience some mild discomfort, but it is completely painless and tolerated, especially because it yields good results.

Through this treatment, patients suffering from dry eyes due to blepharitis and MGD can find significant relief, improving the quality of their natural tears and reducing symptoms of dryness and itchiness that can often interfere with daily activities and the comfort of wearing contact lenses.

After BlephEx treatment, patients reported improved symptoms and comfort.

Miboflo treatment

MiboFlo is a treatment option for patients with persistent dry eyes. It provides relief from the discomfort associated with this condition. This innovative therapy uses thermoelectric radiation to address the root cause of dry eye syndrome. It is totally relaxing.

The MiboFlo device produces a therapeutic temperature of 108 degrees, which helps to liquefy viscous or dried-up tears. This process can restore the normal flow of tears, relieving the symptoms of dryness and irritation.

This method is recommended when dry eye symptoms have persisted for a considerable length of time and have not responded adequately to other treatments. It can be used in conjunction with BlephEx and Optilight IPL. MiboFlo is the perfect treatment, and everybody loves it. It is likened to an eyelid facial. It can be repeated as often as indicated.

Does the treatment hurt? 

Artificial tears and eye drops are applied directly to the eye to lubricate it and relieve dryness and irritation. This type of treatment does not cause pain or discomfort.

IPL light treatment is bright but does not hurt as the light heat is absorbed by the cooling gel.

BlephEx treatment tickles. Local anaesthetic drops are used as it can be a little uncomfortable but painless.

MiboFlo is a very pleasant, relaxing treatment that does not hurt at all.

Surgical treatments for dry eye are usually performed using local anaesthetics to ensure patient comfort and minimise any potential pain. All dry eye treatments are designed to be as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Recovery & Aftercare 

The recovery period for dry eye treatment varies depending on the type of treatment administered. Treatments such as artificial tears or eye drops can immediately relieve dry eye symptoms, although they may require regular application to maintain comfort. Longer-term treatment is often recommended.

For more intensive treatments such as IPL Treatment or MiboFlo, patients might experience a brief period of minor discomfort post-treatment, but this usually subsides within a few hours to a day.

If you wear contact lenses, it is crucial to maintain good lens hygiene and consider using lens types specifically designed for people with dry eyes to ensure comfort and prevent further aggravation of dry eye symptoms.

At Clinica London, we provide our patients with tailored aftercare plans, ensuring they receive the best possible care and guidance in managing their dry eye condition. As a leading dry eye clinic in the UK, we are committed to helping our patients achieve long-lasting relief from dry eyes.

Risk & Side Effects

Dry eye therapies can have potential risks and side effects like any treatment.

These may include:

  • Temporary eye discomfort or irritation immediately after applying eye drops or ointments
  • Possible allergic reactions to certain eye drops or ointments
  • Minor eye irritation or discomfort following outpatient procedures and day case surgical procedures
  • Rarely, more serious side effects can occur from surgical interventions, such as infection or scarring

Our consultants will discuss any potential risks you might face before starting treatment.


If you’re experiencing dry eyes, book a consultation with Ms Jane Olver, Professor Sajjad Ahmad, Ms Naomi Tan, Ms Stacey Strong and Ms Evgenia Anikina at Clinica London. They are eager to help identify the cause of your dry eyes and provide advanced treatment.

Ms Olver is an ophthalmologist who treats patients with oculoplastic (eyelid), dry eye, and lacrimal (tear duct) surgery, as well as general or urgent ophthalmic problems.

Ms Crawley is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Cataract and Glaucoma Specialist.

Mr Ahmad specialises in managing diseases that affect the front of the eye, including the eyelid margins, tear film, eye surface conjunctiva, and cornea. He is a highly skilled and knowledgeable corneal specialist and is regarded by his colleagues as the “go-to man” when previous treatments have not been effective and a further or last opinion is sought for intractable dry eyes.

Ms Strong and Ms Anikina are all very capable specialist ophthalmologists caring for general, cataract and retinal patients.

Ms Tan looks after children and teenagers with dry eyes, a group who, due largely to excessive computer use from a young age, are getting more dry eyes.

Miss Jane Olver

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Oculoplastic (Eyelid) & Lacrimal Specialist
Medical Director
A dedicated Oculoplastic Eyelid surgeon, blepharoplasty and ptosis specialist

Professor Sajjad Ahmad

Professor Sajjad Ahmad

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Cornea & External Eye Diseases, Cataract, Keratoconus & Refractive Surgery Specialist

Ms Stacey Strong 3

Ms Stacey Strong

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Cataract & Medical Retina Specialist

Ms Evgenia Anikina 1

Ms Evgenia Anikina

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Cataract, Surgical Vitreoretinal (VR) and Medical Retina Specialist

Ms Naomi Tan

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Paediatric Ophthalmology, Paediatric Strabismus, and Adult Cataract Specialist

Our clinic operates as a private surgery and is not affiliated with the NHS (National Health Service)


How much does DRY EYE TREATMENT cost?

TreatmentPrice range
Dry Eye Plugs £300 – £650 
Optilight IPL£350 – 600
BlephEx Lid margin Micro-exfoliation£275
Consultation FeesNot Included (£300 – £350)

Initial consultation fees are not included.

dry eye FAQS

Regularly blink to treat dry eyes at home, especially during focused activities. Use a humidifier to increase air moisture, particularly in dry or air-conditioned spaces. Outdoor sunglasses can protect from wind and sun.

Consider omega-3 supplements or foods with essential fatty acids for eye health, and stay hydrated with ample water intake. Applying warm compresses and massaging the eyelids can stimulate tear oil production, while heated eye bags or masks can relieve dry, itchy eyes.

  1. Refrain from using hair dryers as they can cause dryness in your eyes. 
  2. Try to limit your exposure to air-conditioned environments such as offices or cars. 
  3. Avoid windy environments, which can dry out your eyes. 
  4. Smoke can exacerbate dry eye symptoms—avoid areas and situations where you may be exposed to it 
  5. Limit the time spent in front of screens, including phones, tablets, computers, and TVs. Prolonged screen time can lead to eye strain and dryness. 

Yes, driving with dry eyes can be dangerous, as it is a significant cause of visual disturbance. 

It causes subtle damage to the external ocular surface, leading to symptoms of discomfort and reduced visual acuity. People with DED often experience intermittent blurred vision, which can be exacerbated by environmental factors such as artificial lighting, central heating, and air conditioning. 

These symptoms can cause vision-related difficulties during everyday activities, including driving. 

To minimise the symptoms of dry eyes, follow these steps: 

  1. Keep your environment clean and avoid smoky or dusty environments. Use air conditioning sparingly, as it can exacerbate dry eye symptoms. 
  2. Be mindful of your screen usage. Spending long hours in front of screens can lead to lower blinking frequency, causing tears to evaporate more quickly and leading to poor eye lubrication. Take regular breaks to rest your eyes. 
  3. If you wear contact lenses, ensure you maintain good lens hygiene. If dry eyes are a persistent problem, consider trying lens types specifically designed for people with dry eyes. 
  4. Regularly clean your eyelids with solutions like Blephasol or wipes like Blephaclean or Ocusoft. 
  5. Use artificial tears to help lubricate your eyes. 
  6. Avoid irritating environments and use protective eyewear when necessary. 
  7. Include essential fatty acids in your diet, which can be found in foods like dried fruit or oily fish. 
  8. Stay hydrated to help maintain moisture in your eyes. 

Award Winning Clinic in London

Clinica London is a leading ophthalmology and dermatology medical clinic. It has a sense of passion for helping patients. The clinic’s consultants are highly skilled professionals who have received British, European, and international awards in their respective fields. Clinica is honest and offers transparent treatment advice in a relaxed and comfortable environment.


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